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Regional Community Center prospectus

at 2400 Harman Ave

Westport CEDC has responded to the City of Baltimore's request for proposals for 2400 Harman Avenue in the Mount Winans neighborhood. The CEDC is now developing a viable proforma with an area developer for the 3.228 acre site for a regional community center for the Harbor West neighborhoods, including Lakeland, Saint Paul, and Westport. 2400 Harman Avenue is currently leveled as a R-7 residential lot of the former Elementary School No. 156 (1952-1997).

Property Prospectus

“Located in a mixed-used residential, commercial, and industrial neighborhood of the southern area of Baltimore City, this parcel is a great opportunity to develop for various uses.  The Mount Winans neighborhood is an emerging area with solid occupancy and a variety of housing stock including both detached and row houses.  This large parcel is ripe for development, and is close to Florence Cummings Park, Westport Elementary School, Morrell Park, and I-295.”

2400 Harman Avenue.jpg


  1. April 4, 2012 - Baltimore City DHCD Staff Report from Planning Commission

    1. Amendment History with Zoning (Page 1)

    2. Proposal Conformity (Page 1)

    3. Site Analysis (Page 2)

  2. March 4, 2013 - Baltimore City Council Bill: 13-0197 Sale of Property

  3. Recommendations from South Baltimore 7 Organizational Assessment (pages 35-39)

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